A bit about myself

My name is Iain, I am eight years old and I live in Madrid (Spain) with my mother and father. I speak Spanish and English because I'm half and half. And I have lots of questions. I started this blog when I was four.

My mother does something fun here:

My father is very beautiful and special too.

My cousin Inés has a rather great blog called Cool, yeah!


Why can't animals speak?

You might think these bears look like they are telling each other a joke,
but they can't be, can they?  
This morning on my way to school, I was talking with my mother about school and asked her if there were any different ways of learning.

She suggested a good way was to think of things I'd like to know more about and explore, like I sometimes do on this blog. So I thought of a question I would like to explore and here it goes:

Why can't animals speak?

I'll be investigating this and will let you know what I've found out about it here in a few days.

In the meantime, if you have any interesting ideas or things to share, please leave a comment!

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