A bit about myself

My name is Iain, I am eight years old and I live in Madrid (Spain) with my mother and father. I speak Spanish and English because I'm half and half. And I have lots of questions. I started this blog when I was four.

My mother does something fun here:

My father is very beautiful and special too.

My cousin Inés has a rather great blog called Cool, yeah!


Being nice and growing

Here's my question for tonight:

If you're nice and you grow, do you get even nicer, because there's more of you?

Is the boy on the right nicer than the one on the left? (Illustration by Quentin Blake)


Eggs: why are some white and some brown?

I was having breakfast this morning and I asked my mother: 'Where are these eggs from?'. She told me they were from fruit and vegetable shop on the corner. But this egg is white! (our eggs are normally brown). And so I asked 'Why are some eggs white and some eggs brown?', 'What makes them the colour they are?' Do they taste different? (We don't think they do but maybe a beefeater could tell the difference).

And here's what we found out! It's the colour of the hens! White hens have white-ish eggs and brown-reddish hens have brown-ish eggs!

We also did a bit of research to see if there was any difference inside the eggs (some people think brown eggs are healthier than white eggs) but found out this was a myth (or an idea that people think is true but actually isn't).

I'm off to school now but if you have any interesting eggy information, please do leave a comment!


Why can't animals speak?

You might think these bears look like they are telling each other a joke,
but they can't be, can they?  
This morning on my way to school, I was talking with my mother about school and asked her if there were any different ways of learning.

She suggested a good way was to think of things I'd like to know more about and explore, like I sometimes do on this blog. So I thought of a question I would like to explore and here it goes:

Why can't animals speak?

I'll be investigating this and will let you know what I've found out about it here in a few days.

In the meantime, if you have any interesting ideas or things to share, please leave a comment!


If you could only say one sentence again and again for the rest of your life, what sentence would you choose and why?

From Dominic, by William Steig.
Dominic is not like most dogs, he can say lots of sentences
and think lots of interesting thoughts. 
Every morning I walk to school with my mother. It takes about half an hour and we meet lots of dogs. I don't like dogs at all.

Especially small nervous dogs make me very nervous. When we see a dog in the distance, I try to relax my body, make it go floppy. That way I don't get so tense and don't get so frightened when we pass by it.

This morning a few dogs were barking in the distance. I started wondering what they were saying. And then I realised something quite funny about dogs.

I said to my mother: "Have you realised, Mummy, that dogs have only one sentence? It's like they repeat the same lyric again and again. Their conversations can't be very interesting at all. Woof. Woof. Woof. Woof."

We imagined a conversation between five dogs, stuck with one sentence each.

Dog 1: 'Hello, how are you today?'
Dog 2: 'Midget!'
Dog 3: 'I don't know about you but I'm feeling a bit hungry'.
Dog 4: 'Eeeew'.
Dog 5: 'How dare you?'

And we practiced the conversation until we couldn't stop laughing.

Then we tried to imagine what our conversations would be like if we only had one sentence to say and we thought about what sentence we would choose if we knew we were going to be stuck with just one sentence for the rest of our lives.

We decided that the best sentence would probably be something friendly like: "Hello, hope you are well today". That way nobody would be frightened of us and they'd probably not attack us either. 

What sentence would you choose if you could only say one sentence again and again for the rest of your life?

Please leave your answers in the comments. I'm sure we'll find them interesting and funny too.

Have a good day. Iain.