A bit about myself

My name is Iain, I am eight years old and I live in Madrid (Spain) with my mother and father. I speak Spanish and English because I'm half and half. And I have lots of questions. I started this blog when I was four.

My mother does something fun here:

My father is very beautiful and special too.

My cousin Inés has a rather great blog called Cool, yeah!


River, rain and brain

My questions today were about rivers, rain and brain. Read about what I discovered!

1. Why is the river on our way to school sometimes full and other times empty? It's not to do with the rain, I know that. So why? What happens when we're not looking?

This morning we went off to find out. And we found a few of these:

These are very very big locks. When they want to clean one part of the river, or just to control the amount of water in each of the parts, they bring these locks down, and the water can't pass to the other side.

So what happens when we are not looking is that someone decides it is time to bring down the locks. I would love to see this one day!

2. Why does it rain? 
When we went out this morning it was raining quite a lot. We walked all the way to Parque de San Isidro in the rain. And we wrote down in my notebook this question: Why is it raining? And then: Why does it rain?

When we got back home, I asked my mother and she explained. She said that water from the sea, lakes and rivers evaporates with the heat of the sun (like what happens when we put on a pot of water to boil to make spaghetti). And this water that turns into vapour goes up up up in the sky. High up in the sky it cools down and turns into liquid droplets again. When these droplets grow, they get too heavy and drop down. And then it falls. And then it rains. Or sometimes it snows.

3. Does our brain drive us?
I was walking along with my mother and we stopped at a zebra crossing. I suddenly said I had another question. Does our brain drive us? My mother asked what I meant exactly and I said I meant like drivers drive cars. Does our brain drive us, so that we know we have to stop at a zebra crossing for example.

My mother said that was a very philosophical question and was quite excited I had asked it.

We had a bit of a chat about it when we got back home. My mother said in a way our brains do tell our bodies to stop when there is danger, for example, and tells other parts of the body what to do. She told me when we lift a finger, our brain tells our finger to lift! I said that I thought sometimes our tummy drives us too. For example, when we are hungry. My mother said what drives our body and our mind is very very interesting and she said she thought some people might have some interesting things to say about this on the blog. So I hope she's right and you make a comment if you have other interesting things to say.

That's it for today. I hope you've liked my questions.

When we were out, I also drew this picture of a three-eyed monster in my notebook:

4 comentarios:

  1. Hi Iain, we have not met before but I am your cousin in London! I think the question about the brain driving the body is very interesting. Robots have a computer driving them - so is a computer a robot's brain I wonder? If somebody swapped my brain for a computer, would I still be a human or would I be a robot? And could you tell if I had a computer for a brain just by talking to me? Tim

  2. Hi Tim, that's very kind of you to leave a comment. I think a computer might be a robot's brain, yes. I don't know about your other questions. I need to think more. I'm going to ask Mummy to show me a photograph of you.

  3. Hi Iain, I really like your question about the brain - that's a very good question and I think it will make people think a lot. You are very good at asking interesting questions! I think you are right that sometimes it can seem like our tummy drives us. Sometimes when you are very very hungry you can't think of anything else! And some people get very grumpy when they don't eat. I guess it is a bit like putting fuel in a car, you need to have fuel (food) for the brain to drive, if there is no food it is hard to think! If you are tired it also makes it difficult for the brain to drive. So maybe the brain drives as long as you eat enough good food, drink enough water, and sleep enough. What do you think? I really like your three-eyed monster. It is very nice but also a bit scary.

  4. Thank you very much for your comment, Imogen. Yes, you are right! I get grumpy when I'm hungry. Today we saw a different bird. We're going to write about it later.


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