A bit about myself

My name is Iain, I am eight years old and I live in Madrid (Spain) with my mother and father. I speak Spanish and English because I'm half and half. And I have lots of questions. I started this blog when I was four.

My mother does something fun here:

My father is very beautiful and special too.

My cousin Inés has a rather great blog called Cool, yeah!


What are we made of?

It's about a year since I last wrote on the blog. I'm sorry for two things: for not writing in almost a year and for not being very cool (for not writing in a year). I'm not thinking very well these days, but the other day when I woke up, I had some questions. 

First, before I explain what I was thinking, I'm going to tell you something about the film Big Hero 6. Baymax is very cool because he can fly and he's a robot and he knows a lot of things about healthcare companionship. A young teenage boy called Hiro Hamada controls the robot.   

And now, -big moment now-, I'm going to write down my fabulous question of the day. 

What are we made of?

 How did we find an answer? Step 1. In bed, I talked to Mummy about my question and then Step 2., in the evening we looked on the Internet and that's how we found this video. It's the Curiosity Show. The video is funny and brought tears of happiness to my eyes. It did. 

Step 3. Writing down the things he says we're made of. Water, salt, iron, phosphorous, carbon, calcium.

But is that all we are made of, what the man is saying? What about our minds? What are our minds made of? If you have any theories of what other things we are made of, please leave a comment on my fantastic blog. Or if you have any other things you would like to say on my fantastic list of fabulous questions just leave a comment, even if I'm asleep. Mummy and Daddy will be on the lookout, like very nice sailors.

And, now for another bit about Big Hero 6. [Please sing this as a song in your head]. Fred's Angels, Fred's Angels. Fred's Angels, Fred's Angels Team led by their great leader Fred.

If you want to learn something, just ask the Fantastic List of Fabulous Questions and if we can, we'll help with an answer.

P.S. We're going to save the world, because we are Big Hero 6.

5 comentarios:

  1. Dear Iain,

    That's very interesting, although I'm not sure I like the idea that there is a can of paint inside us! I have a question though--what happens when we grow? Is a six-year old made up of more material than a baby? Where does the extra material come from when we grow? And yes, you are right, what about our minds? I don't know the answer to that...

    Have you seen Big Hero 6?


    1. Dear Torquil, Thank you for your message. It was nice waking up in the morning and getting it. I'm off to school now but will answer properly later. Besitos. Of course I've seen Big Hero 6!!!

  2. Dear Iain,

    Thank you for this very entertaining blog post. You raise some excellent questions and I like how you go about answering them.

    I am especially happy that your parents are looking out for you like very nice sailors.

    Here are some other thoughts about what we are made of:

    - We are made of star-stuff: "the iron in our blood, the calcium in our teeth, the carbon in our genes were produced billions of years ago in the interior of a red giant star." (A famous scientist called Carl Sagan said that.)

    - We are made of cells. You can see them under a microscope.

    - We are made of organs (but not the musical instrument kind) and tissues (but not the kleenex kind).

    - We are made of consciousness: perceptions, wishes, intentions, dreams and memories.

    By the way, I watched The Curiosity Show on TV every week when I was little.

    Very best wishes from Michelle in Australia

    1. Dear Michelle, That's very very nice of you to comment. You once left a comment before. I remember. It's a nice long comment, I like that. I'm off to school now but will answer you properly later and think about some of the things you have written. Love, Iain

  3. Dear Iain

    Michelle in Australia and Carl Sagan are right - we're products of a starburst.
    Yes, we've got cells but also elements you find in rocks. Of course we're not as hard as granite or even sandstone but we've got something that rocks don't show a lot - electrical impulses.
    They're what make jelly fish live - and sting.
    So we're a bit like a rock that can walk and a bit like a jelly fish that doesn't sting.
    But then neither rocks nor jelly fish are famous for their brains and it's our brains and minds that help us ask questions.
    Now our brains don't get bigger after we've grown up but our minds can grow and grow by finding new links, asking more questions, by using imagination and by thinking - like Steven and Duncan who thought of a healthcare companion with very special powers.
    That's imagination -and what's imagination made of, Baymax? Rocks and jellies? Or little starbursts?

    I remain, sir

    Heart of Ice, Claw of Chicken.


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