A bit about myself

My name is Iain, I am eight years old and I live in Madrid (Spain) with my mother and father. I speak Spanish and English because I'm half and half. And I have lots of questions. I started this blog when I was four.

My mother does something fun here:

My father is very beautiful and special too.

My cousin Inés has a rather great blog called Cool, yeah!


What is important?

The other morning on the way to school, my mother had a question for me. "What do you think is important in life?". She's working on an idea for a book about importance and sometimes she likes asking me questions because it helps her think about things. After thinking about it a bit I came up with three things: 
  1.  Games. Well, fun in general. Having fun.
  2. Communication. If we couldn’t communicate with each other we’d all be going around from one place to another without being able to tell each other what we think. If we couldn’t communicate, nothing would ever change.
  3. Personality. That we all have different personalities. It’s important that we are all different. If we were all the same, we’d all just be part of something bigger and what each of us is would not be important. I think it’s important for our world that we are all different.

Then she asked me: 
'What did you think were the three most important things when you were three years old?' And my answers were:
  1. Playing.
  2. Eating and drinking.
  3. Mummy and Daddy. 
And then she asked me what I would focus on if I were President? These were my answers: 
  1. Hooligans (bad behaviour in general)
  2. Clean streets. 
  3. Believing in children more (giving them a bit more credit).  

What do you think are three very very important things? Please leave your answers in the comments! 

1 comentario:

  1. Dear Iain, that is an interesting post. If I were to choose 3 very very important things in life (not counting essentials like food, water, shelter and hygiene) I would choose:
    - Imagination (this covers many things, like putting oneself in another person's shoes, writing stories, thinking up recipes, etc.)

    -Laughter (giggling, smiling, joking)


    -Curiosity (I think you are quite good at being curious).

    Big besitos from Mallorca


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